
In this episode I speak with Mitch Miller of Dennistoun. Mitch is an artist who works with an approach which he calls the Dialectogram, offering a pigeons eye view of spaces. Spaces as seen from above, but with the pigeon’s knowledge of where all the dropped chips from Friday night lie.

Mitch comes from a long line of travelling show folk. It’s so interesting to hear him talk about this heritage and how it has influenced both his life and work.

Our conversation touches on his family’s story, how he first came to Dennistoun, his studies, his work outside of the art world and how his art practice has grown and developed over the years, tied into community and place.

One thing that comes across so strongly from our conversation is Mitch’s love for and commitment to the area.

Thank you to Ruth from Dennistoun Conservation Society for introducing me to Mitch’s work in the area.
Tales Fae the East is an artist in residence project from Glasgow Life. I share the position with my mate Tim Morozzo who will be taking photo portraits of the people we speak to when Covid restrictions lift.

There are many more tales to be told, so if you know someone, like Mitch or Irene, who knows tales of Dennistoun, Sighthill or Haghill and you think they’d be willing to talk to us for the podcast, we’d love to hear from them!
You can reach us on info@tales-fae-the-east.com
We’re also on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Our website gives you some more info about the project, an intro to Tim and I and provides links to subjects covered in the episodes.

With this residency we’re going to be offering photography and podcasting workshops, so please do feel free to drop us a line to say if you’d like to join us. We’ll advertise these more as we go along so you know where to go online. The likelihood is that they’ll be on Zoom for the foreseeable future.

Thanks so much for listening!

Mitch Miller Podcast

Episode Links:

Mitch Miller – http://www.dialectograms.com/

Travellers – show folk | Penny Geggie | Vinegar Hill | Greens Playhouse | Glasgow Green Chairolplanes

Grants Bellgrove | Coias | Celinos | Albertos | The Crown Crichton | Market Gallery | Chris Dooks

Red road flats | Draw Duke St | Meadowbank Dialectogram | Falkirk Steeple | Ethnography | Redmonds

Tibo | Florresters

1 comment

  1. Comment by Tam McCann

    Tam McCann Reply March 23, 2021 at 11:24 am

    Hi Mitch, I run the parkhead history site and see you have left a link to your podcast , I will also put your link in the links page, I there is anything you would like to use from the site we dont have any problem with that. Realy liked the podcast

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