
In this episode I talk with Sophie Kindreich of Haghill / Dennistoun.
Amongst a broad portfolio of skills, including DJing,  Sophie is involved with Migrant Rights issues including No Evictions, who were the group that successfully put a halt on the eviction of residents of Kenmure St earlier in the summer. 
We talk about Sophie’s life growing up in Alloa and how Glasgow always appealed to her first through its music and then through its politics. We then talk about the nature of DJing, the politics of anarchy and migrant rights and what people can do to support migrants in their communities. 

Photo of Sophie by Tim Morozzo

Thank you for listening!

Sophie Kindreich – Podcast

Sophie Kindrich – Episode Links

No Evictions | Jamaican Dancehall | Notting Hill Carnival | PVC Glasgow Art School

Scottish Socialist Party | EMA – protests | Real Dictators | Village against the world – Dan Hancock

Ken McLeod | Hetherington House Occupation | Immigrant deaths in Glasgow hotels | Immigration and borders bill

Kenmuir St Protests | Harringey Anti-Raids | MORE – Migrants Organising for Rights and Empowerment

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