
Tales Fae the East is a podcast and photography project about the lives of the people of Dennistoun, Sighthill and Haghill.

Alasdair Satchel will be recording chats with people from the area and Tim Morozzo will be photographing the participants to accompany the chats, showing the participants in locations that mean something to them and their story. This project was made possible with support and funding from Glasgow Life.

We’ll be offering podcast and photography workshops to people in the area, too, so keep your eyes peeled for more information on this in the near future.

If you know anyone who has a good story to tell, we’d love to hear from you – please feel free to Contact us or drop us a line on info@tales-fae-the-east.com or on Facebook, or Instagram.

Agus ma tha sgeulan Gàdheileach mu dheidhinn na sgìre tha mòran uidh againn a bhith a chapadich riut!

If you’d like to see a wee trailer showing you a little bit more about our project, please feel free to click the video below.
We look forward to hearing from you!

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