
Featured Image: Mandy and Oonagh at the relocated Sighthill stone circle

Mandy McIntosh

This episode is a conversation with the artist Mandy McIntosh.
Mandy grew up in Glasgow and in South Africa.  She has lived in different parts of the city, but in this episode we pay particular attention to her time in Sighthill. 
We talk about her life growing up both here and away and what her experience of Sighthill was.  We then talk about her studies and travels, taking in Paris, Ireland and Australia.
Our conversation also goes into the nature of social housing and community, then we talk about Scots lingustic identity.  We also celebrate the impact that Mrs Winters, Mandy’s art teacher had on her life.

Thanks for listening!

Mandy McIntosh – Episode Links:

Keppochhill Road | Sighthill Standing Stones | Donald Lunan – Artist | Article on Sighthill by Steph Daily | Mass HousingMiles Glendinning | Seán Damer Scheming: A Social History of Glasgow Council Housing, 1919-1956 | The Green Lady | How Clean is your House? | Allan Glen’s School | Kenzo | Nottingham Trent Uni | Arnhem Land | Bruce ChatwinThe Songlines | The Dreaming | Elcho Island | Billy Connolly | Matt McGinn

The Depth of My Ego by Matt McGinn

1 comment

  1. Comment by Lil Brookes

    Lil Brookes Reply May 28, 2022 at 9:45 am

    Loved this …Mandy was brilliant and what an interesting life she’s had…so far…! Great…

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